Deciding a debt refinancing should be done does not necessarily make for a good refinancing. The devil is in the details.

One of the most important features of the ecological systems in the U.S. Virgin Islands is its wetlands, locally called swamp, mangrove swamp, pond, or salt pond.

Though its impact is often overlooked, a community’s culture plays a vital role in the area’s survival and prosperity. In fact, while initiatives to preserve and celebrate a community’s culture may seem to some a niche concern or a matter of secondary importance, these efforts help to strengthen a core aspect of community. In a…

A recent conversation on our coming 2018 election raised the question of whether the candidates (incumbents and challengers) truly understand the breadth of the problem facing the Virgin Islands and are thinking beyond winning to the issues of governance. Tangentially related, a recent published critique of Puerto Rico’s new fiscal plan of recovery, conflated my…

This coming October, The London School of Economics’ Latin America and Caribbean Centre and the Inter-American Development bank are jointly hosting a conference called “Skills for Development in a Changing World.” As the conference title suggests, the pressure of a fast moving, and highly competitive global 21st century economy presents real challenges to communities seeking…

Why did VI Government debt go from premium to pariah? The answer is in the credit ratings: specifically, the heightened risk of debt default that the ratings infer.

A meaningful economic development strategy is a visioning exercise that defines a community’s economic aspirations based on its values.

Aligning a destination’s ‘personality’ with the visitor’s, creates an emotional and enduring visceral connection.

Substantial federal assistance is available to help rebuild critical infrastructure and to navigate the economic dislocation. Will we take full advantage of this opportunity?

Entrepreneurs are creative self-starters. They do, however, require assistance and support to be successful.

Entrepreneurs require different types of financing to support business growth

Financing is just one of the several challenges facing local entrepreneurs.

Resilience is often discussed in relation to hardening of structures affected by natural and man-made events. The health or state of the affected entity (person, institution, structure, system, or community) also contributes to post-event regenerative capacity