Future proofing a small community for success

Making a community a good one in the moment is certainly hard, especially for smaller communities lacking the raw resources of large metropolitan areas. It takes determination, a shared plan, and persistence. However, a good community isn’t a temporary one; rather, good communities can and do last for generations. As such, it is important for…

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SBA Disaster Lending is not the Disaster Assistance Expected

Following Maria and Irma I submitted economic assistance applications to SBA’s Disaster Assistance Processing and Disbursement Center in Fort Worth. The experience has been frustrating and eleven- months later still ongoing. There has been little effort made by the SBA staff to go beyond voicing their appreciation of the application’s challenges to translating that concern…

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Migration and Asylum-Seeking

We are all migrants. All of us are migrants unless we can trace our roots directly to the Tainos who populated these islands before the Europeans and the Africans. It is appropriate to think about this as we reflect on the issue of migration and asylum-seeking now impacting conversation and governmental behavior in the United…

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