An invitation to all who browse these pages

Allow me to introduce you to Under The Markets I am inviting you to help change the dynamics of information sharing, opinion building and hopefully, over time, community engagement in our Virgin Islands’ communities.  An ambitious goal?  Undoubtedly, but we individually must do what we can to make a difference. Communication, is a key to…

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Communicating begins the process of bringing about change

Change in our community comes about through communication, getting the facts, sharing information, coming together around a shared vision and choosing to take the type of action that over time produces change. We have individual priorities as to where change is most needed. Those are a function of our interest, personal experience and how any…

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There is a widely held belief that the way to cook a frog is to place it in pot of cold water and turn up the heat. The frog will remain in the pot. Alternatively, drop the frog into a boiling pot of water and it jumps out. Consider this parable and look around our…

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St. Thomas, VI 00802
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