There is No Free Lunch

The decision to accept disaster recovery funding from FEMA in the form of senior lien pari passu debt is the tip of the iceberg of problems to come. Over the past weeks and months we willingly deluded ourselves that the federal government will see the Territory through to full recovery, regardless of our ability to…

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Inspiring Community Engagement to Ensure a Sustainable Local Tourism Product

In an earlier article, I explored the various types of sustainable tourism, and the potential benefits destination communities stand to gain from ecotourism and cultural tourism over the more common mass tourism product. Sustainable tourism prioritizes community well being and heightens community involvement in its delivery. Vital to its success, however, is an engaged local…

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Seeking Assistance Is Acknowledging Strength Not Weakness

Over the past weeks we have benefited from an outpouring of support from diverse sources. All have responded knowing that what separates us is simply the timing of when assistance is required. Crises spur innovation and caring. The need is indisputable. Material resources improve survival and the quality of lives. Those with a willingness to…

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