Seeking Assistance Is Acknowledging Strength Not Weakness

Over the past weeks we have benefited from an outpouring of support from diverse sources. All have responded knowing that what separates us is simply the timing of when assistance is required. Crises spur innovation and caring. The need is indisputable. Material resources improve survival and the quality of lives. Those with a willingness to…

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Impending G.E.R.S. Crisis Demands Immediate Action and a Concerted Commitment to Reform

Looming large over the Virgin Islands economy is its struggling Government Employee Retirement System, and the government’s quickly diminishing options to fix the problem. The issues that confront the System have been gestating for some time. As noted in a previous VI Capital Resources Op Ed piece, the System has paid out more in benefits…

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Is tax increment financing an easy fix for financing project development?

The Water Island project development demonstrates the need for heightened transparency in government-funded projects. The increased attention and questions surrounding the five-star hotel development and associated facilities on Water Island demonstrates the need for analysis and transparency for all public projects, and private/public projects in particular. The development has been in the planning stages since…

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