Landscape Design Influences Health Care Outcome

The availability of quality health care is an important resource for community well-being. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs from his 1943 paper “A Theory of Human Motivation,” physiological needs are at the very base of the pyramid hierarchy and are what Maslow calls ‘basic needs.’ Basic needs form the foundation of motivation, according to…

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At least Puerto Rico has a plan, why not us?

A recent conversation on our coming 2018 election raised the question of whether the candidates (incumbents and challengers) truly understand the breadth of the problem facing the Virgin Islands and are thinking beyond winning to the issues of governance. Tangentially related, a recent published critique of Puerto Rico’s new fiscal plan of recovery, conflated my…

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Land Use Planning and the Road to Thoughtful Response to Climate Change

More frequent and powerful storms and record-setting temperatures have brought climate change concerns to higher prominence in recent years. As international initiatives like the Paris Climate Accord suggest, climate change is a global issue, requiring proportionately large-scale action to address it. Given the global scale of the problem, as well as the surplus of responses…

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