Communication begins the process for bringing about change- Powerpoint Slides

Communication Instigates Change   A presentation on Virgin Islands Capital Resources, Inc. communication portal,, at the Recovery, Renewal and Resilience Workshop, Thursday March 8, 2018; a jointly sponsored event of  The UVI Research and Technology Park, UVI School of Business, and SEAT Caribbean. For a narrative of this presentation please see our blog post.  

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Communicating begins the process of bringing about change

Change in our community comes about through communication, getting the facts, sharing information, coming together around a shared vision and choosing to take the type of action that over time produces change. We have individual priorities as to where change is most needed. Those are a function of our interest, personal experience and how any…

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21st Century Skill Development for Small Economies

This coming October, The London School of Economics’ Latin America and Caribbean Centre and the Inter-American Development bank are jointly hosting a conference called “Skills for Development in a Changing World.” As the conference title suggests, the pressure of a fast moving, and highly competitive global 21st century economy presents real challenges to communities seeking…

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