Land Use Planning and the Road to Thoughtful Response to Climate Change

More frequent and powerful storms and record-setting temperatures have brought climate change concerns to higher prominence in recent years. As international initiatives like the Paris Climate Accord suggest, climate change is a global issue, requiring proportionately large-scale action to address it. Given the global scale of the problem, as well as the surplus of responses…

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21st Century Skill Development for Small Economies

This coming October, The London School of Economics’ Latin America and Caribbean Centre and the Inter-American Development bank are jointly hosting a conference called “Skills for Development in a Changing World.” As the conference title suggests, the pressure of a fast moving, and highly competitive global 21st century economy presents real challenges to communities seeking…

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Inspiring Community Engagement to Ensure a Sustainable Local Tourism Product

In an earlier article, I explored the various types of sustainable tourism, and the potential benefits destination communities stand to gain from ecotourism and cultural tourism over the more common mass tourism product. Sustainable tourism prioritizes community well being and heightens community involvement in its delivery. Vital to its success, however, is an engaged local…

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Ecotourism: Promoting Sustainability in the Tourism Product

The tourism industry can be a double-edged sword for small communities whose economies rely on it for survival. Tourists bring in money, but the growth of the tourism product within a community can come at a significant cost if not properly managed. This issue was discussed in an earlier article appearing on this web site,…

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