By Definition, This Web Site Is Political

Merriam Webster defines politics and being political as  “…of or concerned with government, the state or having practical wisdom… “  

By this definition, this web site is political.  What the site isn’t, however,  is partisan. 

Underthemarkets creates a forum for conversation around issues important to community economic development, better management of public funds and environmental sustainability. 

Virgin Islands Capital Resources, Inc. developed and maintains this communication platform believing that an opportunity must exist for discussions around issues essential to healthy and vibrant  community development. 

Underthemakets achieves this objective by creating space for articles, commentary and public engagement.  The platform allows contributors to post either on an attributed or anonymous basis.  Conversation and commentary reflect points of view and the site is actively  monitored to ensure posted comments are respectful of differences of opinion while being informative and constructive. 

It is therefore surprising that some see the site as having political bias and an unstated agenda.  Nothing we can identify lends credence to this position. 

Observations offered on public policies and practices are neither specific to an individual nor partisan.  In a small community where politics is often sport and few are understandably willing to go public with their thoughts on public policy, posted articles and comments on this web site, in contrast, share alternative points of view, explain the basis of a particular perspective and invite others to engage in discussion. 

It is our hope that postings on our site are a cause for pause, consideration and engagement.  And, that what follows is action to make our community better. 

If in some small way Underthemarkets advances this objective it will make the contribution it was designed to achieve.  

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