
Our Name

There was a time in the Virgin Islands when most markets were covered, and the community would go to each morning to pick up the things they needed for the day. People would see their neighbors and conversation naturally sparked about recent events, politics and community interests. It was a place for lively conversation. In later years, the phrase “Under deh Market” came about to identify the place for this spirited gathering, exchange of information and sharing of insights.

This website strives to be a place where conversations can happen in a digital environment. Where members of the community share ideas, and come together to solve problems. A digital gathering place for lively, relevant conversation pertaining to specific community issues and more importantly to find a way forward for seemingly intractable issues. 

Each of our communities, St. Croix, St. Thomas and St. John had an active market, just as each virtual community has a series of forum pages here. Now, you can hear all of the latest news in your community whether it pertains to arts and culture, government operations, economic development, community organization, environmental concerns and more. Join the conversations “Under the Markets”.

Our Mission

Under The Markets, is a community forum website that promotes dialogue on quality of life and economic development solutions. It seeks to bridge geographic distance and affords user anonymity, if preferred, to encourage the expressing of ideas and opinions that promote consensus building on important community issues.

Communities, large and small, confront challenges for improving quality of life issues; promoting and expanding arts, heritage and culture, to addressing environmental, government management and economic development problems.

Our objective is to promote a more connected community and provide space for coming together around shared interest.

Forum Members will determine and drive discussions as well as prioritize issues and concerns.

This website is divided into an Article archive, a current events and community affairs blog, and forum discussions. Articles share perspectives on community issues and offers insights. Community members of underthemarkets.com can submit articles for inclusion in our Archives by emailing to admin [at] underthemarkets [dot] com.

Our blog connects the topics of the forum and our Archive pages. It brings to the attention of members issues that are of general interest. It highlights upcoming events, which seek to move beyond virtual interaction to direct involvement.

Members can engage on the forum pages on a community-wide basis or by island: St. Thomas/ Water Island, St. Croix, and St. John.

The main forums are those listed below but members can create sub-groups that better address their specific interest.

By creating an opportunity to bring individuals together with similar interests, we believe we strengthen our community by gathering like-minded individuals around key issues of concern.

Underthemarkets.com is a project of Virgin Islands Capital Resources, Inc., a 501 (c) 3 non-profit with a community development mandate. VI Cap seeks to be a laboratory for ideas, dialog, and analysis on economic and development issues important to small communities.

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2107 Crystal Gade #7A
St. Thomas, VI 00802
© 2021 Under The Markets. A project of Virgin Islands Capital Resources. Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions